
Every Bassemir can tell a thing or two about it: the name is often written wrongly, becomes "Basimir" or "Kasimir". Frequent but more beautiful are the dearful short and nicknames as "Basse" or "Bassi"...

In German the name naturally entices to play all kinds of prank with it.

The "classic one"

Very popular is the classic spoonerism:

"Der Bassemir, der Bassemir,
der trinkt `ne ganze Masse Bier!"

(The Bassemir, the Bassemir,
who drinks a whole mass o` beer!).

The correct shoe size

Likewise the name is readily interpreted thus:

"Bassemir - das ist doch die Frau aus dem Schuhgeschäft!"
"Die sagt: Die Schuh` basse mir!"

("Bassemir - that is surely the woman from the shoe-shop!"
"She says: These shoes fit me well!") - From the High German verb "passen" (to fit), in the Palatinate dialect "basse".

The Bassemir monument

After a Paris travel tourists reported to have seen a Bassemir monument there. However, that was only an error in hearing during a city tour. The false "Bassemir" was in fact marshal Francois de Bassompierre (1579-1646), an opponent of Richelieu - by the way a contemporary of the first known Bassemirs from Bechtheim.